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    NYC Big Book Award: GAB TALKS with Donna E. Lane

    How much can war steal from one man?

    Georgia, 1861. As the tides of war sweep south, Aidan MacAlister is drawn north like water up a reed by the inexorable pull to defend his land. After tragedy strikes at Gettysburg, Aidan spirals into unfamiliar, dark places of unbridled fury, earning him the nickname, the Fourth Horseman.

    A hero to his fellow soldiers, Aidan’s self-loathing consumes him, and every lesson his family taught him crumbles to dust beneath its weight. Aidan returns to the farm to find it ravaged by Yankee patrols. War has taken all—perhaps even his soul.

    Aidan’s one chance at redemption sends him West to fight the Native people who, like him, are defending their land. His sympathies lie with the people. His lieutenant demands he kill them all. But Aidan’s encounter with the Lakota begins his transformational passage to a different life.

    When love offers Aidan renewed hope, will his past thunder across the plains and steal everything from him again?

    Dances with Wolves meets the story of Job in this gripping historical epic of tragedy, loss, and redemption.

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    This Hallowed Ground by Donna E. Lane

    This Hallowed Ground

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    Donna E. Lane

    Donna E. Lane

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

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