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Independent Press Award
2025 winners by category

Independent Press Award and NYC Big Book Award

Ted Olczak

Independent Press Award and NYC Big Book Award

African American Fiction

Julie L. Brown

No One Will Save Us: A novel


Jill Rosen

Ode to a Pug


Franke James

Freeing Teresa: A True Story about My Sister and Me

Book Cover Design Fiction

Rae Knowles

Merciless Waters

Business: Entrepreneurship & Small Business

Danielle Billetz-Reppert

The Start of All Things Good: A Complete Guide to Building Your Business


Earl Campazzi, M.D.

Living with Pancreatic Cancer -- A Patient and Family Guide

Chapter Books

Gloria Barnett

Eye of the Turtle


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, How Can We Have Healthy Skin?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, Tell Me About the Gallbladder.


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What are Antibodies?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is an Ear Infection?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is E. coli?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is Impetigo?

Childrens: Death and Dying

Dr. Lynsey Victoria

Goodbye For Now

Childrens: Humor

Steven Joseph

Snoodles in Space, Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back

Childrens: Nonfiction

Craig Ford and Caity Randall

The Shadow World


Jerry Troyer

Awakening to the Truth

Comics and Graphic Novels

Dennis Robinson

Lycan: Solomon's Odyssey Chapter 1

Crafts (Arts)

Charmayne Samuelson

Mata Ortiz Poetry of the Clay: Pottery. Poems. Artists.

Cultural and Social Issues

Ieva Jusionyte

Exit Wounds: How America's Guns Fuel Violence Across the Border

Death and Dying

Kimberly Harms

Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For


Ana María López Jimeno

Vademecum of English. A Complete Reference Guide for Teachers and Learners


Emma Collier

The Union Bar: Lesbian Erotica


Scott Hogan

Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body


Loren Ridinger

Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Living Your Best Life after Losing Your Greatest Love

Historical Fiction

Cathy Sultan

Omar's Choice


Kev Harrison

Shadow of the Hidden


Jennifer Cramer-Miller

Incurable Optimist


Rebecca Homkes

Survive, Reset, Thrive: Leading Breakthrough Growth Strategy in Volatile Times

LGBTQ Fiction-Young Adult Fiction (Comics and Graphic Novels)

Jasmine Walls

The Last Session Vol. 1: Roll For Initiative

Marketing & Public Relations

Neal Schaffer

Digital Threads: The Small Business and Entrepreneur Digital First Marketing Playbook

Middle Grade

Linda Oatman High

Somebody's Someone

Mind, Body, Spirit

Thomas Weems

Unlocking Kabbalah: A New Synthesis of Astrology, Tarot, and the Tree of Life


Marlene M. Bell

A Hush at Midnight

New Nonfiction

John R. Miles

Passion Struck

Paranormal Mystery/Thriller

David Griffiths

How to Hear Ghosts

Personal Finance

Cosmo P DeStefano

Wealth Your Way: A Simple Path To Financial Freedom

Picture Books-Ages 4-8

Terence Lester, Zion Lester

Zion Learns to See


Lee Woodman


Preteen Fiction

Christopher Bernard

The Judgment Of Biestia


Gordon L. Iseminger

The All-American Turkey Show: When Grand Forks, North Dakota, Was the Turkey Capital of the World, 1924-1942

Religion: Fiction

Katherine Koch

The Sower of Black Field: Inspired by the True Story of an American in Nazi Germany

Romantic Suspense

Mara Purl

Whose Hearts Align

Self-help: General

Ravinder Taylor and Eldon Taylor

Mind Training: The Science of Self-Empowerment


Elizabeth Hendrick

EXODAI - A Shockingly Honest Memoir of Love, Obsession and Torture

Social/Political Change

Dr. Annise Mabry

Educational Disobedience: A Mom Who Became A Movement


Eli Ihej

What Kobe Left Behind: The Playbook from an Extraordinary Life


Breakfield and Burkey

Enigma Forced


Carl Vonderau

Saving Myles

Visionary Fiction

Mark Sabbas

The Monarchs

Women's Fiction

Lucille Guarino

Elizabeth's Mountain

Writing and Publishing

Douglas A. Burton

The Heroine's Labyrinth: Archetypal Designs in Heroine-Led Fiction


Niamh McAnally

Flares Up: A Story Bigger Than The Atlantic

African American Nonfiction

Emelia Timpo, Ph.D.

Perseverance a Memoir: One Woman's Journey from Ghana to the United Nations


Emily F. Peters and Collaborators

Artists Remaking Medicine: The practice of imagination and the power to create a better healthcare future


H.H. Nininger & Jim Banks

In Search of Falling Stars: H.H. Nininger's Classic "Find a Falling Star" Revisted & Expanded

Book Cover Design Nonfiction

Jeremy Keating

Price Writer: The nine-step method to becoming a highly successful general insurance pricing leader

Business: General

James Scouller

How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again (Book #1 of 3)


Matthew J. Louis

Mission Transition: Navigating the Opportunities and Obstacles to Your Post-Military Career


Courtney Deane

When Happily Ever After Fails


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, How Do Cytokines Help the Immune System Do Its Job?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, Tell Me About the Small Intestines.


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What are Seasonal Allergies?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is Breast Cancer?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is Good to Have in a First Aid Kit for Heat Emergencies?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, Why Do I Need the Flu Shot?

Childrens: Fiction

Sophie Armstrong

The Music Thief

Childrens: Inspirational/Motivational

Shane Svorec

Acorn Adventures

Childrens: Poetry

Jill Rosen

Ode to a Pug

Christian Fiction

Mary Sheeran

Idylls of the Collar

Contemporary Novel

Jacqueline Boulden

Her Past Can't Wait

Crime Fiction

Peter Cumyn

Under the Radar

Cultural Heritage

Xiaorong Zhang

The Story of Rice

Diet & Nutrition

Christina Williams

The 28 Day Runway: Your Pathway to The Healthy Lifestyle of Your Dreams


Lowell E. Baier

Earth's Emergency Room: Saving Species as the Planet and Politics Get Hotter


Peter Kaplan

A Chasm of Night

General Fiction

Christy Cashman

The Truth About Horses

Health & Fitness

Sharon M. Weinstein and Dina Readinger

Healing Healthcare: Evidence-Based Strategies to Mend Our Broken System

History: United States

Doreen Chaky and Adrienne Stepanek

Lynched: Mob Murders on the Northern Great Plains, 1882-1931


Patti Dobrowolski

The Non-Obvious Guide to Drawing Your Future: Solve Problems, Explain Ideas, Sell Anything


Tim Turner & Moisey Gorbaty

The Reluctant Conductor

Legal Thriller

Jeff Cooper

The Final Account

LGBTQ Nonfiction

Jack Fritscher, PhD

Dueling Photographers: George Dureau and Robert Mapplethorpe

Medical Thriller

Heather S Lonczak

The Fragility of Light

Military Fiction

Patrick McLaughlin

Cheerful Obedience


Phillip Vega

Fury in Her Eyes

New Adult Fiction

Ian Griffin

The Story of Briar


J. Chester Johnson

DAMAGED HERITAGE: The Elaine Race Massacre and A Story of Reconciliation

Parenting & Family

Cecil Taylor

Unison Parenting: The Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Christian Parenthood with One Voice

Personal Growth

Lucie Dickenson

The Anxious Hippie

Picture Books-All Ages

Dr. Lynsey Victoria

Goodbye For Now


Jerry Aveta

When Liberty Enslaves - The Toxic Blend of Faith and Politics


Rachael Siddoway and Sonja Wasden

An Impossible Life: A True Story of Hope and Mental Illness


Andy Chaleff

The Connection Playbook: A Practical Guide to Building Deep, Meaningful, Harmonious Relationships


Nancy Herkness

Royal Caleva: Gabriel

Sales & Marketing

Stan Gwizdak

Karmic Selling: Earning Business by Earning Trust

Self-help: Motivational

Maria Baltazzi

Take a Shot at Happiness: How to Write, Direct & Produce the Life You Want

Short Stories

Peta-Gaye Nash

Told Ya! Stories

Specialty Books

Andrew Hoyne

The Place Economy, Vol. 3


Carcer Kane

Empire of Light 1: The Spirit of Innovation


Olivia Gambelin

Responsible AI: Implement an Ethical Approach in your Organization


Michael C. Higgins, PhD

Exploring Wine Regions - Mexico

Western Fiction

Jeffrey Lowder

The Last Orphan Escape

Women's Health

Ariela Nerubay Turndorf

Not Pausing: Redefining Women After Forty

Young Adult Fiction

Kelly Kieran Sampson

Through the Haze

Addiction & Recovery

Adi Jaffe PhD

Unhooked: Free Yourself from Addiction Forever

Alternative Medicine

Amitha Kalaichandran

On Healing: Finding Wholeness Beyond the Limits of Medicine

Arts & Entertainment

Fariba Bogzaran

A Place of Creation

Book Cover Design Childrens

Carla Carne Osbone

Buster the Brave

Book Cover Interior Design Nonfiction

Simon T. Bailey

Resilience@Work - How to Coach Yourself Into a Thriving Future

Business: Motivational

Nuala Walsh

TUNE IN: How to Make Smarter Decisions In A Noisy World


Mark Steven Porro

A Cup of Tea on the Commode: My Multi-Tasking Adventures of Caring for Mom. And How I Survived to Tell the Tale


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, How Can I Help my Brain Work Better?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, Tell Me About Glucose.


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, Tell Me About the Temporal Lobe.


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What are the Different Ways That Protein is Used by the Body?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is Color Blindness or Poor Color Vision?


Michael Dow, RN, MS

Nurse Florence®, What is Hypothyroidism?

Childrens: Christian Fiction

Amy Dixon, Rob Dixon

Penny Preaches: God Gives Good Gifts to Everyone!

Childrens: Holiday

Allen Northcutt

The Legend of Chris Moose, A Christmas Story

Childrens: Nature

Shane Svorec

Acorn Adventures

Childrens: Religion Fiction

Sharon Garlough Brown

Not Finished Yet: Trusting God with All My Feelings

Coffee-table Book

Norman Jetmundsen, Jr. and Karin Dupree Fecteau

Unrivaled: Sewanee 1899

Cookbooks: General

Nathan Myhrvold

Modernist Bread at Home

Cross Genre

Kay Smith-Blum


Current Events

Dee C Knight

A Realistic Path to Peace: From Genocide to Global War... and How We Can Stop It


Bree Sullivan-Howell, J.D.

Crush Your Divorce & Keep Your Faith

Epic Fantasy

Caytlyn Brooke

Among the Burning

Fine Arts

Anita Selzer

The Female Gaze in Art and Photography

Gift Books

Michael C. Higgins, PhD

Exploring Wine Regions - Mexico

Hispanic / Latin

Hoyt Rogers

Sailing to Noon

History: World

Peter J. Brews

Lead, Follow, or Fail: The Human Struggle for Productivity, and how Nations, Organizations, and People will Prosper in our Changing World


Neal Rabin


Juvenile Fiction

Deborah Cholette

Digger: Dig or Die!

LGBTQ Fiction

Eve M. Riley

The Photograph

Literary Fiction

Jody Hobbs Hesler

Without You Here


Penny Lane

Redeemed: A Memoir of a Stolen Childhood

Military Nonfiction

Steve Procko

Captured Freedom


Jim Berkenstadt

The Beatle Who Vanished: 60th Beatles Anniversary Tour edition

New Fiction


The Making of BRIO McPRIDE


Mary Ann Bernal

AnaRose and Pharaoh’s Gold

Performing Arts

Amnon Kabatchnik

Courtroom Dramas on the Stage Volume 2


Samuel T. Wilkinson

Purpose: What Evolution and Human Nature Imply about the Meaning of Our Existence


Nancy Gerber

Language Like Water: Poems

Political Thriller

Helena P. Schrader

Cold Peace


Danielle Billetz-Reppert

The Start of All Things Good: A Complete Guide to Building Your Business

Religion Nonfiction

Abigail Pogrebin & Dov Linzer

It Takes Two to Torah

Romantic Comedy

Dan Kopcow

Madcap Serenade

Science Fiction

L. R. O'Brien

2028 Tomorrow Is The Day

Self-help: Spiritual

Tracee Dunblazier

Your Crystal Allies: The 12 Best Gems & Minerals for Making Money & Managing Resources, Book Three

Social Media

Dr. Sherrie Poitier-Liscombe

The Adventures of Sherrie and Chubbie Teen Life Series Social Media


Helen Gretchen Jones

Healing Whispers From Spirit Guides: Bridging the Gap Between Life and the Afterlife with a Death Doula's Wisdom


Steve Badman

The Favor


C. D. Culper


True Crime

Ruth Kreindler and Chris Angermann

THE FIGHT FOR JUSTICE Lee Kreindler and Lockerbie

Western Nonfiction

Doreen Chaky and Adrienne Stepanek

Lynched: Mob Murders on the Northern Great Plains, 1882-1931

Women’s Issues

Bainy Cyrus

Tea and Toil at The Woman’s Club

Young Adult Nonfiction

Karin A. Lips

You're Not Alone: The Conservative Woman's Guide to College

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