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    NYC Big Book Award: GAB TALKS with Nancy Regas

    Are you thinking about school counseling as a profession or just starting as a school counselor? Okay, maybe you're already an established school counselor; congratulations! However, are you feeling stuck, lost, or frustrated in your present position? If you answer yes to either question, this book is definitely for you. Enjoy your journey towards a personal and professional reawakening!

    HINT: If you are an administrator, this book will help you understand the role of a counselor; correctly utilizing your counseling staff will increase the effectiveness of your school. If you are a teacher, this book will help you comprehend the multiple roles of counselors and guide you in working collaboratively with them. Enjoy your journey towards becoming the best educator possible! Finally, parents, you can use this book too! It will help you understand what it takes for your son/daughter [in middle school or high school] to be a successful student. When you grasp that, your guidance will become more impactful.

    Nancy L. Regas spent twenty-two years counseling in public schools: first as a resource coordinator, next as a life skills counselor, and finally, the majority of her time [eighteen years] as a high school counselor. Nancy followed that by becoming a regional representative for an out-of-state private liberal arts college. She advised both public and private schools in three counties for three years. She resides with her husband of almost 50 years and has two adult daughters and two granddaughters.

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    The Art of Being a School Counselor by Nancy Regas

    The Art of Being a School Counselor

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    Nancy Regas

    Nancy Regas

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