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    NYC Big Book Award: GAB TALKS with Cheryl Lafferty Eckl

    Cheryl Lafferty Eckl is an award-winning author of 15 books. As a mystical writer and
    storyteller, she brings her unique talent to genres as diverse as memoir, personal growth, death & dying, inspirational poetry and spiritual romance novels.
        A former musical-comedy singer and actress, she has worked as an executive assistant, a
    professional development trainer, a life coach and a facilitator of retreats and workshops on grief and end-of-life issues.
       Cheryl holds a Master’s certificate in Transpersonal Psychology and lives in the Big Sky
    Country of Montana.

    Love Is Stronger Than Death

    While I navigated the rough waters of grief after the passing of my husband and twin flame, Stephen, many experiences proved to me that love is not only stronger than death, love transcends death. In the midst of the worst event of my life, I made an amazing discovery. Although Stephen was no longer alive on earth, our souls could communicate through the veil separating this world and the next. More than thirteen years after my beloved lifted off for other realms, our sacred love tryst grows stronger every day. Through inspirational stories, meditations and poetry, I am grateful to offer you my reflections on this unique path we are blessed to walk. For I have come to know that...loss is for our learning, grief is for our transformation, and joy is eager to bring us Home to our soul, our twin flame and our True Self. ---Cheryl Lafferty Eckl

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    Reflections on Ineffable Love: from loss through grief to joy by Cheryl Lafferty Eckl

    Reflections on Ineffable Love: from loss through grief to joy

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    Cheryl Lafferty Eckl

    Cheryl Lafferty Eckl

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

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