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    NYC Big Book Award: GAB TALKS with Ayn Cates Sullivan

    In this standalone novel, Nina realizes that she was the sorceress Nimue in a previous life and the one responsible for sealing Merlin in an enchanted Hawthorn tree. Only she can release him from his silvery prison - if she can find him! Nina discovers more about her innate gifts and superpowers in this Heroine's quest than she could have ever thought possible.

    The Legends of the Grail series is a collection of Celtic myths and legends told traditionally with a twist. Each heroine tells her story in her way, freeing herself of centuries of misunderstanding. Nimue: Freeing Merlin is the first full novel in the series.

    Ayn Cates Sullivan, MA, MFA, Ph.D. is an award-winning, Amazon best-selling author and popular podcast host of Wisdom of the Ages: She holds a master’s degree in spiritual psychology from USM, and a master's and doctorate in literature from Columbia University and King’s College London. She currently lives with her husband, two children, and a variety of wonderful pets in Charlottesville, VA. Her educational experiences coupled by life lead her into the study and practice of what makes one whole.

    Ayn writes stories for all ages designed to uplift, heal and inspire. She is well known for her Legends of the Grail series including Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses, her Amazon best-seller Heroines of Avalon: Other Tales, and Nimue: Freeing Merlin. The series has won multiple literary awards. See more at:

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    Nimue: Freeing Merlin by Ayn Cates Sullivan

    Nimue: Freeing Merlin

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    Ayn Cates Sullivan

    Ayn Cates Sullivan

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