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    Independent Press Award: GAB TALKS with Hy Conrad

    From the Writer/Producer of Monk and White Collar, Hy Conrad speaks about Callie McFee Mystery Series, and his writing craft. His new book Sins of the Family builds on the series after winning the 2022 Independent Press Award with the The Fixer’s Daughter; and the 2022 NYC Big Book Award for the Callie McFee Mystery Series.

    The Fixer’s Daughter pits father against daughter in a twisted tale of murder, deadly secrets and family loyalty. Three years ago, Callie McFee accidentally caused her father's political downfall. Once the most influential man in Texas, Buddy McFee resigned from office and became a "fixer", a person who makes big problems go away. When a prominent CEO is caught trying to bury a raped and murdered girl, it looks like an open-and-shut case. But then Buddy steps in.

    Sins of the Family follows the story of Callie McFee, an investigative reporter and the daughter of one of the most influential men in Texas. When her father, Buddy McFee, botches an easy legal case -- the DUI arrest of Trevor Birdsong ,a young lifestyle marketer -- Trevor loses millions in stock options and hangs himself.

    ​Learn more at the author's website:

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    Sins of the Family / The Fixer's Daughter, part of the Callie McFee Mysteries Series, by Hy Conrad

    Callie McFee Mysteries Series: Sins of the Family; The Fixer's Daughter

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    Hy Conrad

    Hy Conrad

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