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    Independent Press Award: GAB TALKS with Lee Woodman, author of ARTSCAPES

    For 45 years, Lee Woodman successfully helped bring the world of art and literary arts to America. Her award-winning television and radio production work with the Smithsonian Institution and The Library of Congress – and her collaboration with Hollywood studios DreamWorks, Showtime, and Columbia Pictures -- has reached millions of people.

    Lee is a poet and arts lover. Known as the SCAPES poet, her published collections open up different kinds of “landscapes,” of the mind, heart, and senses. She revels in topics about the human condition—longing and love, dreams and secrets, notions of home.

    Lee speaks with Gabby Olczak, president of the Independent Press Award, about how she came to poetry, her life and art, reads key passages of her poetry, and speaks about her upcoming title SOULSCAPES.

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    ARTSCAPES by Lee Woodman


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    Lee Woodman

    Lee Woodman

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