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ADVERTISE year-round


HELP 17,000+ independent writers, authors and

publicity, communication professionals looking for Masters of

Fine Arts, certificate programs and other publishing studies degrees. 

We are now offering tailored emails and magazine display and listings ads

for publishing products and services offered to your targeted market.


NEXT Deadline: August 19th, final materials due


Editorial Opportunities for larger ads​​

PER ISSUE rates,

Small Display Directory Ad (4" width X 2" height) $295

Quarter page (4" width X 5.25" height), $495

Half page (Vertical 4" w X 10.75" h or horizontal 8.125" w x 5.25" h), $895

Full page, (8.125" width x 10.75" height), $1500

Two-page spread (Two pages), $2500 per issue


1. Make space reservation with publisher

or pay for ad via PayPal

(Mail check payable:  Printed Word Reviews, 63 Clinton Rd, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028)

2. We'll create an ad for you, or supply a PDF file

3. Submit for editorial consideration!


Just a listing?  Take a four to eight line listing, $250 for four issues, $400 for eight issues​


Sign-up or contact Ted Olczak, Publisher, at​


What's included


a)  Your choice of: a listing; listing advertisement; quarter page; half page; full page, or two pages / spread.

b)  Emailed out to our approximately 17,000+ independent authors, communication professionals, and writers 

c)  Creative included if you want, just pay, respond to our info request

and we'll place into our advertising template. 

*d)  For full pages, we will add a Four (to eight) Line Listing Directory Ad and guarantee every issue up to a year from when the first Full Page ran.

e)  Sharable code to access the magazine, up to a $20 value, for free,

compliments of you!!

f) Publication ON sale at

g) Accessible on over 30+ apps 

h) Sharable free HIGH resolution banners 


Want year round marketing?


Here are the opportunities to advertise year round!  

EDITORIAL CALENDAR (Planned topic for each issue, subject to change)

BookCAMP Master of Fine Arts and Fall Trade Book Fairs, ads due Aug. 19th

SEPT/OCT:  NYC Big Book Award 2023 ads due Sept. 15 (editorial due September 7th)

BookCAMP Nov 2023 - Jan 2024, ads due 10/20

NOV:  Holiday Gift Guide  ads due Oct. 23 (editorial due October 8th)

DEC: Last Minute HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE / GAB TALKS interviews  ads due Nov. 27 (editorial due October 8th)

BookCAMP February-April, ads due 1/19

FEB 15th Issue: Discover Indie Books ads due Jan. 30 (editorial due January 9th)

MAR/APR: Independent Press Award 2023 ads due March 12 (editorial due March 7th)

BookCAMP May-July 14, ads due 4/19

MAY/JUNE:  Summer Reads / Pre-conference  ads due May 8 (editorial due May 1st)

JULY/AUG:  2024 Book Camp, ads due July 12 (editorial due June 25th)

BookCAMP July 15-October ads due 7/8

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