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    Independent Press Award

    2024 Distinguished Favorite

    The 5-Day Job Search: Proven Strategies To Answering Tough Interview Questions & Getting Multiple Job Offers

    Annie Margarita Yang

    Tailored for job hunters across all industries, this comprehensive book offers a fresh, pragmatic approach to job hunting, ensuring you can secure multiple job offers even during severe economic downturns.

    In just five days, reap the incredible benefits of The 5-Day Job Search:

    Follow a prescriptive formula broken down into easy, simple steps
    Find a fulfilling, rewarding career that aligns with your gifts and talents
    Join a top company with an amazing work culture where you fit right in
    Stand out with a strong personal brand that attracts employers
    Receive responses from companies within 24 hours, joining the elite 2% of applicants that obtain interview requests
    Gain the confidence and tools to sell yourself effectively
    Exude confidence in interviews, resulting in a written job offer in 90% of instances
    Secure a job offer with a $25k to $35k raise compared to your current salary
    Develop resilience to handle challenges and setbacks throughout your job search

    You'll be guided through a foolproof system covering essential topics, including:

    Finding work that aligns with your core values for greater happiness and success
    Developing a killer LinkedIn profile, headshot, and professional website and email signature to strengthen your personal brand
    Identifying and filling gaps in your skillset to advance your career and increase earning potential
    Crafting a standout resume that highlights accomplishments and reaches hiring managers
    Researching companies before interviews to gain insights and tailor your approach
    Enhancing interviewing skills and asking the right questions, positioning yourself as a leading candidate
    Conquering rejection and criticism and harnessing your personal power
    Addressing the challenging salary question and negotiating favorable offers

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