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    This May Be Difficult to Read
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    This May Be Difficult to Read

    Claire N. Rubman

    There's no baby Einsteins in cribs anymore, our babies can't read, and no one is still hooked on phonics - so what's left? This may be difficult to read, but we haven't been selling reading skills very well... Our society has put a premium on one single aspect of the reading process - letters & sounds (or phonics). This has given the impression that 5, 4 or even 3-year-olds can become proficient readers but there is a myriad of psychological and neurological evidence that emphatically refutes this idea.

    It may be difficult to read that despite all your hard work, you have only scraped the surface of the learning and reading process with your child or, worse yet, that you may inadvertently have set your child up to fail... Although it may appear that even very young children can "read" words out loud (or decode), those same children often experience great difficulty extracting meaning from the printed word as they move through middle school, high school or college. Their reading skills may superficially sustain them initially, but the sad reality remains that 1 in 5 college students has to take a remedial reading class in their freshman year.

    This May Be Difficult to Read creates the opportunity for you to go back in time to think as a child thinks and read as a child reads. Engage in the fun, interactive examples, read the anecdotal evidence and participate in the research studies to experience reading as your child does. Armed with this new perspective, together, let's take reading into the 21st century and reinvent the reading process...

    Learn about brain development and the 5 comprehension skills that 5, 4 and even 3-year-olds should be focusing on instead of fixating on letters, sounds and rote memorization.

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