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    Personal Growth
    Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book
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    Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book

    Mari L. McCarthy

    Want the cure for culture chaos? Grab your pen and pad and prescribe yourself with "Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book."

    The news, the fear, the media, the texts, the constant bombardment of electronic sludge. It can all tear you down and rip you away from being YOU! You can choose to give into this madness and be manipulated into submission. Or you can join the journaling power revolution, reconnect with your higher self, and love yourself without conditions. It's time to manifest the self-love you have inside!

    "Mindset Medicine" is a guide to truly learn your own values, ignoring the outside noise. Who are you mentally, physically, and spiritually? Grant yourself permission to go on a journaling power journey in which you shower yourself with endless amounts of self-love.

    In her third book in the Journaling Power Revolution Series, award-winning international bestseller author Mari L. McCarthy reveals a journaling power path that leads to an awareness of how vibrant your life will be when you…

    • Understand why you absolutely have to love yourself first
    • Tap into your hidden gifts and talents
    • Declare why others must ALWAYS respect you
    • Establish rock-solid unbreakable boundaries
    • Promise to be YOUR own superhero!

    Most importantly, Mindset Medicine explains in rich detail why the most empowering and loving relationship you can ever have―is with YOU!

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