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    Independent Press Award: GAB TALKS with Jennifer Nash

    "A must-read for anyone aspiring to lead in today's complex business environment" - Dan P.

    In a post-pandemic world where adaptability, empathy, and human connection have become more important than ever, Dr. Nash's message is both timely and timeless. Be Human, Lead Human addresses a central issue facing contemporary workplaces: the urgent need for human-centric leadership that fosters engagement, creates connection, and powers performance.

    Be Human, Lead Human is more than just a book; it's a movement. It holds the promise of a new leadership ethos, one that disrupts the status quo and champions humanity at the heart of organizational effectiveness. If you're ready to lead with courage, empathy, and authenticity, this book is your starting line.

    Ready to transform your leadership approach and craft a more empathetic, connected, and effective workplace? Be Human, Lead Human is your indispensable guide. Discover how to bridge the gap between people and performance — because to lead humans, one must first be human.

    Interested in an Author Interview? Contact or call 973.969.1899 for Sponsorship Opps.

    Be Human, Lead Human: How to Connect People and Performance by Jennifer Nash - Relationships - IPA24 Winner

    Be Human, Lead Human: How to Connect People and Performance

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    A D V E R T I S E M E N T


    Jennifer Nash

    Jennifer Nash

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

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